
“The Gate to Europe”

With "Whatarchitecture", www.whatarchitecture.com

Passive House

A project for a passive house in Verona.
With Studio NoBO.

Thesis – Social Houses for a Balanced Regional Development

Tesis theme: Social houses for a balanced regional development
Mentor: Prof. Albrecht Benno

Ambassy of Serbia – Residence, Havana, Cuba – Interior Design

Interior design project: Ambassy of Serbia - Residence, Havana, Cuba
Published in "Kuca Stil" magazine.

Ambassador’s Apartment Belgrade Interior Design

Interior design project: Ambassador Milena Jovanovic Lukovic's apartment in Belgrade, Serbia.
Published in "Kuca Stil" magazine.

Rendering Exercise

A rendering exercise in 3DsMax

Carport in Canada

A project for a sustainable carport for a Canadian design firm.

Competition for ULUPUDS. Interior architecture.

Our entry for the ULUPUDS Competition.

Molecular organic sublimation plant

Systems for the production of energy from natural sources : photovoltaic, eolian, biomass

Rendering for the “Moreni s.r.l.” company

Rendering of the agricultural machines done forMoreni s.r.l. www.moreni.it

Competition in Belgrade “Japanese fountain”

Competition in Belgrade "Japanese fountain"
2010, in collaboration with Bogdan Vukosavljevic

Museum in the Lagoon of Venice

Museum in the Lagoon of Venice
Redevelopment of ex monastery on an island in the Lagune of Venice creating new spaces for a museum.
In collaboration with Arch. Milica Galic

Student Houses in Venice

Student Houses in Venice
In collaboration with Arch. Milica Galic

Museum of Archaeology

In collaboration with Arch. Mila Baros, Arch. Jelena Popovic, Arch. Nebojsa

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